Adolfas Šaulys

Adolfas Šaulys (b. 1966 in Lithuania)

1993 SAIE

I do not remember exactly, when and why I got the idea to become an artist. Maybe for the reason that in childhood I had no chance to get in touch with art. When I was 15 years old, visited the studio of the artist Zenonas Liekys and stood in front of an easel for the first time, trying to draw a geometric figure, I felt something similar to space flight.

The further path was simple: I was admitted to and graduated from the applied art school, because it was located closer than other colleges. I chose metalwork department, because it seemed more difficult.

I arrived in Tallinn for the first time quite early before the beginning of academic year – I wanted to see SAIE, the place of wonders, with my own eyes. In Telsiai we often heard stories that in Tallinn, at the address Tartu Road 1, there is a place resembling paradise.

I became an artist during my studies in SAIE in 1988–1993, in the period when lectures were held by legendary Leo Gens, Olga Kaljundi, Boris Bernstein. I felt myself a free man in a decaying empire. Tolerant and warm relationships between students and professors, reliability and pride for being an artist – studying in different environment and different culture was a privilege. After graduation I have been a freelance artist and make things I can make best. – In the book “A-Gallery. Estonian art jewellery gallery for 20 years” (2014) Aino Kapsta

Artists think first and foremost with their hands. Our language is form, but it may sometimes be distant to the viewer. Therefore, a verbal game may effect the viewer more directly. I have a set of cufflinks with the writing THE and END. It was spring and the boys were finishing school, it seemed like a good way to mark the end of school. It seems like currently life is so stressful, many around us are divorcing already. Some split up catastrophically, some remain friends. Wouldn’t it be great, if a woman bought THE END cufflinks as a gift for her former husband to mark the end of the marriage? Words provide a very wide variational spectrum on how to use them. Everyone has their own context.” – Adolfas Šaulys at the A-Gallery exhibition MEMORY CARDS (2019)

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